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  • Most facilities choose to put up with the status quo mostly because they do not want to confront the monumental task of going through a pharmacy transition.  In other words, they are willing to give up a better value and more advanced approaches to not go through the transition.
  • Transitioning from one pharmacy provider to another does not have to be such a cumbersome task. In fact, we go to lengths to make sure it isn’t.
  • We take the pain out of the transition process by taking it upon ourselves to make sure it is a seamless process for our facilities.
  • Our clearly defined and methodical approach makes it easier than you can imagine.
  • We begin by first understanding you, your process and your needs & expectations.
  • We then customize a solution that would make sense for your workflow without getting in your way.
  • Each transition will be different than the next one due to specific needs of each agency. 


  • We make the transition process seamless to you. We do all the work.
  • Data Transfer and order clarifications
  • Orientation to our systems
  • Remote and web-based access setup and training
  • Beyond transition follow-up
  • We guarantee a better experience, better value and a significantly better transition experience.  Most importantly, we make every process customized to your current situation and availability of resources.